Michael Cohen’s Lawyer Talks With Attorney Who Toppled Nixon: Report - Daily Herrington Post


Monday, August 20, 2018

Michael Cohen’s Lawyer Talks With Attorney Who Toppled Nixon: Report

Michael Cohen’s Lawyer Talks With Attorney Who Toppled Nixon: Report

Image result for John DeanMichael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, has been communicating in the last few months with John Dean, the attorney who helped topple Nixon in the mid-’70s, according to Politico. “I reached out to my old friend John Dean because of what he went through with Watergate, and I saw some parallels to what Michael Cohen is experiencing,” Davis told Politico. He added that “I certainly don’t want to raise expectations that Mr. Cohen has anything like the level of deep involvement and detailed knowledge that John Dean had in the Nixon White House as a witness to Nixon’s crimes, but I did see some similarities and wanted to learn from what John went through.” Cohen, Trump’s longtime ex-lawyer and now embattled

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